Princpal david stuckwisch
e-mail Principal David

Principal’s Portal
Hello Martin Luther Family,
First off, I would like to thank everyone we have met so far for being so welcoming to my family and I. The pantry party was truly incredible and has helped us get settled these past few weeks. (The pork loin wasn’t bad either).
Secondly, a bit about me. I grew up in the LCMS. My father is an LCMS Pastor currently serving in Cincinnati. I was born in Corpus Christi and lived in Houston for eight years before my dad took a call to serve First Lutheran Church and School in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Attending First Lutheran from 3rd to 9th grade was my first experience with the Lutheran school system. I then went to the public High School. I went from a class of 10 to a class of 600 and experienced two different styles of school. My youth group went to the National Youth Gathering my junior year and it was there that I felt God leading me to attend Concordia Texas and become a Director of Christian Education. It was at Concordia where I met my wife, Makenzi. Makenzi is a Registered Dental Hygienist and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist. Our first call was to serve St. John’s Lutheran Church and School in Stuttgart, Arkansas. There I led the youth and children’s ministries and taught elementary religion and P.E. Then God blessed us with our first daughter, Joanna. Our next call was to serve Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Appleton, Wisconsin. In Appleton I lead the education program, developing curriculum for Sunday School, Confirmation, Middle and High School youth groups as well as Audio/Visual for worship. God then blessed us with another daughter, Edie. Then God called us to serve Sierra Lutheran High School in Carson City, Nevada. Transitioning from a youth group/Sunday school setting to a formal classroom setting was a challenge but being in the classroom and being able to pour into and love on the students every day was incredibly fulfilling.
Thirdly and finally, I am excited for this new chapter in our lives and am looking forward to leading Martin Luther Jr/Sr High. I know that there are plenty of challenges along with many joys that will come with this position. I plan on attacking each challenge and embracing each joy that comes my way. I will be looking to faculty, staff, pastors, parents, and students for support and guidance as we all adapt to these roles that we’ve been given. I hope that we can grow this school and get it to where it’s bursting at the seams. This will take all of us working together to continue to grow this ministry and share the Light of Christ with our community.
Your partner in Christ’s service,
David Stuckwisch, Principal
Hello Martin Luther Family,
First off, I would like to thank everyone we have met so far for being so welcoming to my family and I. The pantry party was truly incredible and has helped us get settled these past few weeks. (The pork loin wasn’t bad either).
Secondly, a bit about me. I grew up in the LCMS. My father is an LCMS Pastor currently serving in Cincinnati. I was born in Corpus Christi and lived in Houston for eight years before my dad took a call to serve First Lutheran Church and School in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Attending First Lutheran from 3rd to 9th grade was my first experience with the Lutheran school system. I then went to the public High School. I went from a class of 10 to a class of 600 and experienced two different styles of school. My youth group went to the National Youth Gathering my junior year and it was there that I felt God leading me to attend Concordia Texas and become a Director of Christian Education. It was at Concordia where I met my wife, Makenzi. Makenzi is a Registered Dental Hygienist and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist. Our first call was to serve St. John’s Lutheran Church and School in Stuttgart, Arkansas. There I led the youth and children’s ministries and taught elementary religion and P.E. Then God blessed us with our first daughter, Joanna. Our next call was to serve Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Appleton, Wisconsin. In Appleton I lead the education program, developing curriculum for Sunday School, Confirmation, Middle and High School youth groups as well as Audio/Visual for worship. God then blessed us with another daughter, Edie. Then God called us to serve Sierra Lutheran High School in Carson City, Nevada. Transitioning from a youth group/Sunday school setting to a formal classroom setting was a challenge but being in the classroom and being able to pour into and love on the students every day was incredibly fulfilling.
Thirdly and finally, I am excited for this new chapter in our lives and am looking forward to leading Martin Luther Jr/Sr High. I know that there are plenty of challenges along with many joys that will come with this position. I plan on attacking each challenge and embracing each joy that comes my way. I will be looking to faculty, staff, pastors, parents, and students for support and guidance as we all adapt to these roles that we’ve been given. I hope that we can grow this school and get it to where it’s bursting at the seams. This will take all of us working together to continue to grow this ministry and share the Light of Christ with our community.
Your partner in Christ’s service,
David Stuckwisch, Principal