Welcome to Spanish! It is a colorful and exciting culture
Spanish Enrichment will be taught to grades 7-8 to introduce them to the Spanish culture.
Spanish I-II-II and IV will build upon what is learned in other classes. It will increase the students' knowledge of the Spanish culture. Our central goal is to learn how to effectively COMMUNICATE in the Spanish language and everything we do in this class will help make that possible. Will this class look like all others? NO! You will notice very fast that this class is not at all like others. You cannot learn a second language by studying from a textbook and taking a test. Acquiring a language is like learning how to ride a bike or learning how to swim. It's a skill you build gradually, use and remember a long time. Sometimes this class will resemble an elementary classroom. This is desirable since we are working on acquiring a new language. In a beginning level class it’s as though you are an “infant” in the new language but your vocabulary will grow quickly.